P&G Shiksha
About P&G Shiksha Mindspark demonstrate an effective model at scale for governments schools
Solving the problem of access to quality education through CSR strategy by leveraging government resources
Providing an evidence and research backed EdTech solution
P&G Shiksha Mindspark
Improving student learning outcomes by deploying EdTech at scale and develop a blueprint on how to do Edtech for learning
P&G Shiksha Mindspark
Since 2017 (6 years) - Ongoing
No. of Students reached:
6 States (AP, Telangana, Maharashtra, HP, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan
Mindspark usage:
At School / At home / Community Centers
Math, English as Second Language, Language
Implementation type:
Ei oversees end-to-end implementation
Implementation Plan - 45-60 days to go-live.
Cost Components
End Goal -Universal Digital Education for All
Digital quality education at Edunet Foundation
From ₹15,000 per student per year today...
How do we collaborate with corporates
Engagement model
Engagement model
CSR Fund + Used Laptops
GALF oversees the complete program implementation from start to finish.
CSR Funds:
GALF will source laptops and oversee the complete program implementation from start to finish
If you have specific geography in mind, GALF can conduct an audit of schools and tailor a program to suit those needs.
CSR Funds:
GALF will source laptops and oversee the complete program implementation from start to finish
Critical cost elements for implementation, program adoption, and facilitating students' learning include:
Infrastructure (computer labs, hardware)
Mindspark Software subscription (annual)
Personnel costs for program management (Lab In Charge, Program Manager, Capacity building)
Support & Maintenance (Technical support, Virtual Call Centre)